Board Meetings

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Indiana Open Door Law, notification is hereby given regarding the Gary Housing Authority (GHA) Board Meetings for the calendar year 2024. The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Gary, Indiana will hold regular Board Meetings on the Third (3rd) Thursday of each month, except for the March, April and July meetings which will be held on the Fourth (4th) Thursday of the month.

Board Meetings will be held at the Gary Housing Authority Central Office, Board Room located at 578 Broadway, 2nd floor, Gary, Indiana. Board Meeting information will be posted at GHA facilities, on the GHA Website and via social media prior to scheduled meetings. Public Comment will be allowed as assigned on the Board Meeting agenda.

GHA Board meetings will be held on the following dates in 2024 at 6:00 p.m. CST

The meetings will be held as follows:

Thursday, January 18
Thursday, February 15
Thursday, March 28
Thursday, April 25
Thursday, May 16
Thursday, June 20
Thursday, July 25
Thursday, August 15
Thursday, September 19
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, November 21
Thursday, December 19
Notification of any change in dates or location of Board meetings will be posted via above stated locations. Questions or Concerns may be directed to LaLosa Dent Burns, Executive Administrative Assistant, GHA Executive Offices at 219-881-6422.

Board Meeting Posting

NOTICE:  Regular Board Meeting GHA Board of Commissioners Rescheduled
Notice of  Rescheduled Regular Meeting of Board of Commissioners on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. 578 Broadway, 2nd Floor.
Meeting to be held at GHA Board Room.  NO Zoom.

Past Agendas