To ensure fairness, GHA has a procedure for you to dispute decisions about your lease agreement or housing regulations.

The steps below summarize GHA’s grievance process. For the complete text of our grievance procedure, please refer to your lease agreement.  The resident must personally present the grievance (either verbally or in writing) to the property manager within 14 days of the disputed action or inaction.

  • In cases of eviction, the resident has 14 days from the date of the termination notice to present a grievance.
  • Your property manager will schedule an informal conference with you to try to resolve the issue.
  • If the resident is not satisfied with the results of the informal conference, s/he has the right to a hearing before an impartial hearing officer/panel. The exception is when there is a 24-hour non-remedy eviction.
  • The resident must submit a written request for a hearing within seven days after receiving the summary of the informal settlement conference. The hearing officer/panel will then schedule the hearing.
  • The resident has the right to:
  • Before the hearing, examine any relevant GHA documents.
  • Be represented by counsel or another representative at the hearing.
  • Have a private hearing, unless s/he requests a public hearing.
  • Present evidence and arguments.
  • The hearing officer/panel will prepare a written decision, together with the reasons for the decision, within a reasonable time after the hearing.

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